what a 4th grade field trip looks like…

it’s the end of their time at elementary school and it’s on to the big bad middle school ~ so we headed out for the end-of-the-year field trip to New Salem. we had such a good time and what a great group of boys! i’m so excited to see what they do in the next several years and i won’t think about how fast the time is going or how soon they’ll be headed to high school, well, because that’s just makes me sad. for now, i’ll just enjoy who they are and look forward to the times to come!

to my 5th grader (as of a couple of days ago) ~ i’m so proud to be your mom. i just sometimes wonder how i got so lucky to have you. i’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see the amazing things you do! i love you with every bit of my heart and then some! good luck to you and all your friends next year in 5th grade!

this is my post as part of a fun project I’m doing with some other local photographers! we are all blogging at the end of each month and the theme of your post has to be “what _____ looks like” (obviously, you have to fill in the blank). the images have to be candid images of your family and then you link to one of the other photographers that are participating! it’s helping us remember to capture moments of our own families and also is helping us get to know the other photographers participating! so be sure to check out Jill Gum’s post too!