what June looks like…

this is my first-ever post sharing my instagram pics and also my first-ever post as part of a fun project I’m doing with some other local photographers! we are all blogging at the end of each month and the theme of your post has to be “what _____ looks like” (obviously, you have to fill in the blank). the images have to be candid images of your family and you have to link to one of the other photographer’s that are participating! it’s helping us remember to capture moments of our own families and also is helping us get to know the other photographers participating! so be sure to check out Keri Schneller’s post too!

so ~ my june looked like:

boys making their own breakfast (sometimes)   • • •   a trip to Pella, Iowa   • • •   golf    • • •   pool time    • • •   sleeping in (rarely)   • • •   visiting cousins   • • •   getting family pics (thanks bobbi+mike)    • • •   snacks on the porch   • • •   rest time on the couch   • • •   park   • • •   nap time in the car   • • •   basketball camp   • • •   yadi   • • •   new golf clubs   • • •   snack time at the pool   • • •   costumes   • • •   father’s day golf   • • •   sleepovers   • • •   camp invention   • • •   baseball (baseball, and more baseball)   • • •   special flight with papa   • • •   more costumes   • • •   more nap time in the car

i think i’m tired …i hope your june was as amazing as mine!