i’m part of a local group of photographers and we are beginning a new project called “the kids were here,” which is intended to help us document life’s everyday details (including the messes). life moves so quickly and our kids grow so fast and this project will help us always remember and appreciate our hectic and even a little chaotic lives as they are now.
when we go visit my in-laws for a weekend, i always insist that my boys clean up the toys before we leave their house. this project reminds me of one time when we were leaving and my mother-in-law told me to leave the mess (she always does). i remember her saying that day, “jim (my father-in-law) will be mad if you have them clean it all up. all the toys out remind him that the boys were here.” i totally get it now and am so excited for this project.
this project is also helping our group get to know each other even better so don’t forget to check out my friend, Tara Long’s post as well!
our last project “what _____ looks like was recently featured in SO Magazine (how cool is that!). that project was intended to help us remember to get the cameras out at home to capture candid images of our families.
the “kids were here project” was introduced by the very talented Ketti Photography.
to see posts from other photographers, be sure to click below!